The International Symposium on Language Ideologies and Attitudes (IDEOLING) will be held at the Universitat de les Illes Balears from October 17th to 19th, 2024. We are delighted to inform that our invited speakers for IDEOLING will be Ruth Kircher (European Centre for Minority Issues) and Laura Villa (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
Please click here to view the detailed symposium program (last updated on July 31st, 2024) and here to view the general program.
Important dates:
- Paper submission open: December 20th, 2023
- Paper submission deadline: February 29th,2024
- Communication of acceptance: June 5th, 2024
- Registration open: June 15th, 2024
- Early bird registration deadline: July 31st, 2024
- Registration Deadline: September 30th, 2024
If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to drop us a line at We will respond to you as soon as possible!
Invited speakers
Ruth Kircher is a sociolinguist with a specialisation in multilingualism and minority languages, with much of her work focusing on language attitudes, language ideologies, and their influence on linguistic or social behaviour. Further research interests include family language policy as well as language policy and planning at the societal level.
Laura Villa‘s research explores the intersection of language and politics. She has studied the language ideological debates that surrounded the standardization of Spanish in the XIX century, the economic and geostrategic interests behind the international promotion of the Spanish language nowadays, and the exploitation of Latinxs bilingualism in the current US labor market.
Call for papers
Language ideologies and attitudes have been the focus of various works, particularly in recent years, which have covered a diverse range of topics. Studies have analysed language ideologies and attitudes in language policy and planning (Blommaert, 2006; O’Rourke & Hogan-Brun, 2013; Ó Giollagáin, 2014), other studies have focused on how language ideologies and attitudes reflect power relations (Kroskrity, 1998; Pujolar, 2001; Del Valle 2003; Gal, 2006, etc.) or how they account for particular culturally-specific mental representations (Irvine, 1998; Gal & Woolard, 2001; Woolard, 2016), etc. In fact, the perspectives shown in the works range from critical sociolinguistics to linguistic anthropology, without forgetting glottopolitics. All of this has given rise to different theoretical and methodological approaches to the topic and has led to a large amount of varied and diverse research.
This diversity of approaches and the amount of research relating to ideologies and attitudes has motivated us to organise the International Symposium on Language Ideologies and Attitudes at the University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca, on October 18 and 19, 2024. The symposium aims to serve as a meeting place for various researchers to share their work in this area, along with the epistemological and methodological challenges it presents. Potential avenues for research include (although they are not limited to):
- Epistemological and theoretical approaches to language ideologies and attitudes (tensions between structure and agency, critical realism, etc.)
- Language ideologies and attitudes and language policy and planning (revitalisation language strategies, standardisation processes, etc.)
- Language ideologies and attitudes in education and language learning (teachers’ language ideologies and attitudes towards minority students, students’ attitudes towards language diversity, etc.)
- The effect of language ideologies and attitudes on language use (linguistic insecurity, standard/non-standard varieties, shifting registers, contact varieties, etc.)
- The influence of language ideologies and attitudes on language variation and change (dialect shift/levelling, teaching language variation and change in school environments, effects of gender roles on linguistic patterns, adoption or rejection of specific linguistic/lexical patterns, etc.)
- Language ideologies and attitudes of heritage speakers (language maintenance, family language policy, language brokering, etc.)
We welcome contributions from different areas of study, such as sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, glottopolitics, social psychology, etc. We invite you to send applications for 20-minute papers (to be followed by ten minutes of discussion). We ask that each participant only submit one proposal as an individual or a maximum of two proposals as a coauthor. The symposium will involve a keynote lecture, presentations by participants, and a final colloquium that will bring together the various contributions. The deadline for submitting a proposal is February 29, 2024. The acceptance of submissions will be sent during the month of May 2024. Proposals should be sent via this form. We welcome oral presentations in English, Catalan and other languages. As the main language of the symposium is English, we ask those presenting in a language other than English to provide visual support for their presentation in English (e.g. PowerPoint slides), and to be prepared to discuss their work in English in the post-paper discussion.
For further information, please contact us at or visit our web site.
Blommaert, J. (2006). Language policy and national identity. In T. Ricento (Ed.), An introduction to language policy: Theory and method (pp. 238–54). Blackwell.
Del Valle, J. & Gabriel-Stheeman, L. (2003). La batalla del idioma: la intelectualidad hispánica ante la lengua. Iberoamericana Vervuert.
Gal, S. (2006). Contradictions of standard language in Europe: Implications for the study of practices and publics. Social Anthropology, 14(2), 163-181.
Gal, S., & Woolard, K. A. (2001). Languages and Publics: The Making of Authority. St. Jerome.
Irvine, J. T. (1998). Ideologies of honorific language. In B. Schieffelin, K. A. Woolard & P. V. Kroskrity (Eds.), Language ideologies. Practice and theory (pp. 51-67). Oxford University Press.
Kroskrity, P. V. (1998). Arizona Tewa Kiva Speech as Manifestation of a Dominant Language Ideology. In B. Schieffelin, K. A. Woolard & P. V. Kroskrity (Eds.), Language ideologies. Practice and theory (pp. 103-122). Oxford University Press.
Ó Giollagáin, C. (2014). From revivalist to undertaker: New developments in official policies and attitudes to Ireland’s ‘First Language’. Language Problems and Language Planning, 38(2), 101-127.
O’Rourke, B. & Hogan-Brun, G. (2013). Language Attitudes in Language Policy and Planning. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp. 1-4). Blackwell.
Pujolar, J. (2001). Gender, heteroglossia and power: A sociolinguistic study of youth culture. Walter de Gruyter.
Woolard, K. A. (2016). Singular and Plural: Ideologies of Linguistic Authority in 21st Century Catalonia. Oxford University Press.
Scientific committee
Pius Akumbu (LLACAN: Langage, langues et cultures d’Afrique)
Lara Alonso (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Maria Antón Álvarez de Cienfuegos (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Carla Amorós (Universidad de Salamanca)
Estibaliz Amorrortu (Universidad de Deusto)
Roberto Avello Rodríguez (Universidá d’Uviéu)
Linda Bäckman (Migration Institute of Finland & Novia University of Applied Sciences)
Anna Belew (University of Hawaiʻi)
Guillem Belmar Viernes (University of California, Santa Barbara)
David Block (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Csanád Bodó (Eötvös Loránd University)
Emili Boix-Fuster (Universitat de Barcelona)
Pau Bori (Univerzitet u Beogradu)
Sara Brennan (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole)
Christa Burdick (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Steven Byrne (University of Limerick)
Laura Camargo (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Iris Orosia Campos (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Raquel Casesnoves (Universitat de València)
Josep Maria Castellà (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Eva Codó (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Llorenç Comajoan (Universitat de Vic)
Pere Comellas (Universitat de Barcelona)
Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska (Instytut Slawistyki – Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
Stuart Dunmore (The University of Edinburgh)
Agurtzane Elordui (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Iker Erdocia (Dublin City University)
Colin Flynn (Trinity College Dublin)
Makiko Fukuda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Amina el Founti (Universidad de Málaga)
Susan Gal (University of Chicago)
Beñat Garaio Mendizabal (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
James Hawkey (University of Bristol)
Michael Hornsby (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
Maria Adelina Ianos (Universitat de Lleida)
Juan Jiménez Salcedo (Université de Mons)
Petros Karatsareas (University of Westminster)
Ruth Kircher (European Centre for Minority Issues)
Petteri Laihonen (Jyväskylän Yliopisto)
David Lasagabaster (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Jennifer Leeman (George Mason University)
Júlia Llompart (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez (University of Manitoba)
Miki Makihara (The City University of New York)
Luisa Martín-Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Robert McKenzie (Northumbria University)
Sara Mičkec (Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
Tommaso Milani (The Pennsylvania State University)
Alexandra Monné (Universitat d’Andorra)
Sebastià Moranta (Universität Kassel / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Michael Newman (City University of New York)
Miquel Nicolás (Universitat de València)
Conchúr Ó Giollagáin (University of the Highlands and Islands)
Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin (University of Galway)
Noel P Ó Murchadha (Trinity College Dublin)
Bernadette O’Rourke (University of Glasgow)
Adriana Patiño-Santos (University of Southampton)
Miguel Pérez Milans (University College London)
Sari Pietikäinen (Jyväskylän Yliopisto)
Anne Pomerantz (University of Pennsylvania)
Maite Puigdevall (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Joan Pujolar (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Fernando Ramallo (Universidade de Vigo)
Maria Magdalena Romera (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
Jonathan Rosa (Stanford University)
Josep Soler i Carbonell (Stockholms Universitet)
Mireia Trenchs (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Amelia Tseng (American University, Washington, D.C.)
Anna Tudela (Open University)
Rachelle Vessey (Carleton University)
José del Valle (City University of New York)
Laura Villa (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Olivia Walsh (University of Nottingham)
Kathryn A. Woolard (University of California San Diego)
Organizing committee
Catalina Amengual Ripoll (Dublin City University)
Eloi Bellés (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Rosa M. Calafat Vila (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Christopher W. Little (Mississippi State University & Universitat de les Illes Balears)
James Ramsburg (University of Minnesota)
Alexandra Philbin (Universitat de València)
Ivan Solivellas (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Maria del Mar Vanrell (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Communication submissions are now open. We welcome oral presentations in English, Catalan and other languages. As the main language of the symposium is English, we ask those presenting in a language other than English to provide visual support for their presentation in English (e.g. PowerPoint slides), and to be prepared to discuss their work in English during the post-paper discussion.
Please send your proposal via the submission form. Proposals must adhere to the following abstract requirements:
Abstracts must be one page in length, Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing, excluding images, tables, references, etc. The submission needs to be in a Word/ODT document and a PDF document. In all cases, submissions must be anonymised.
Registration is now open and can be accessed through this link.
Early registration (until July 31, 2024)
Students: 100 €
Non students: 200 €
Late registration (until September 30, 2024)
Students: 150 €
Non students: 250 €
All conference fees include access to all sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks, and lunches. Student status must be demonstrated through a copy of the student card (or equivalent).
IDEOLING Registration Refund Policy:
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing (via email to infouibcongres[at] If a cancellation request is received before August 1st, 2024, a 100% refund of the registration fee will be issued. If a cancellation request is received between August 1st and October 1st, 2024, a 25% refund of the registration fee will be issued. No refunds will be issued for cancellation requests received after October 1st, 2024.
Venue and hospitality
The IDEOLING Symposium will take place at the University of the Balearic Islands main campus, specifically in the Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos building (Faculty of Law and Economics). The UIB main campus is 7 km from the center of Palma and is well connected by bus and underground services with good timetables and frequencies. Mallorca’s international airport is 15 minutes from the UIB campus. More information about how to get the venue from Palma will be provided very soon.
Unfortunately, there is no agreement between the University of the Balearic Islands and specific hotels for discounts. Therefore, we highly recommend booking a hotel for your stay well in advance. Here are some recommendations from the organization:
Hotel Palladium ****
HM Jaime III ****
HM Balanguera ****
HM Palma Blanc ****
Hotel Continental ****
Hotel Nou Baleares ****
Protur Naisa Palma ****
UR Palacio Avenida ****
Innside Palma Center ****
Hotel Almudaina ****
Hotel Araxa ***
Hotel Abelay **
Hotel Abelux **
Hotel Born **